Female rider Komal Patil from Ranebennur, Karnataka. She makes a record for being "Youngest To Complete A Round Trip Motorcycle Ride From South To North", Karnataka (Ranebennur) - Srinagar - Ranebennur. Komal chooses a KTM Duke 250 to complete this record of covering a total of 6039 km in 20 days, at the age of 19 Years.
In this record ride, Komal covered Mumbai-Vadodara-Udaipur-Jaipur-Amritsar-Srinagar-Ludhiana-Delhi-Agra-Indore-Aurangabad-Solapur-Bijapur-Bagalkot.
Female rider Komal started her ride from Ranebennur at 5:22 am on March 8, 2022, and completed it at Ranebennur at 11:07 am on March 28, 2022. This ride is recorded in the India Book of Record and Aisa Book of Record for the "Youngest To Complete A Round Trip Motorcycle Ride From South To North" with the social motive of 'One nation, we all are one".
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*Note: Following record is recognized by the India Book Of Record. any inquiries about records contact IBR (India Book of Record). Indian Bikers Magazine does not recognize any type of record following information is only for knowledge purposes.